The Fisherman’s Bar and Restaurant welcomes you to our beautifual village of Portmagee. We here in Portmagee are known to be the gateway to the Skellig Rocks. Skellig Michael and the Small Skelligs. We here in Portmagee are extremely proud of the fact in 2012 we were voted the top tourist town in Ireland.
Portmagee’s Location Latitude: 51.885599 | Longitude: -10.366502
Many of you who visit us here, agree that Portmagee is one of Ireland’s most beautiful villages. The Villages rests on Valentia harbour and protected to the south by Coomanaspig mountain.We are on the world renowned Wild Atlantic Way and Majestic Skellig Ring, which was voted in the Top ten locations to visit in 2017 by the Lonely planet.
History of Portmagee
Portmagee has received its name from a certain Captain Theobald Magee who was notorious smuggler. Magee was using Portmagee as his port to smuggle contraband spirits, textiles, tea and tobacco. He ran his operation between France, Portugal and Ireland. The Skellig Coast was hard to police due to the many inlets around the coast, and therefore very profitable. It was believed that he served in the army of King James as an officer. Of course to further add to the intrigue of this notorious character there is some suspicion that Magee’s death in a Lisbon monastery was due to some exile imposed by a powerful MP of the time.After his death, his wife and sons continued the family business of smuggling.
Things to do in Portmagee
There are many things to do and see in Portmagee from walking fishing horse riding boating cycling diving etc. But the most Famous is a boat tour to Skellig Michael and its smaller brother the Small Skelligs. There are numerous boat operators here in Portmagee that make many trips to the Skelligs daily. There is a limitation to how many can land on the rock daily, but there are many trips that go around both rocks every few hours. Whichever tour you take you will be left in awe I can assure you. Please visit our blog post by clicking on Skellig Michael for more information.
Visit Portmagee, we await you
So now you have learnt a little more about Portmagee please feel free to explore our website and see our menu click on here on Seafood Restaurant Portmagee.